Monday, February 9, 2009

Peter Saville's Fac 1

Fac 1, Facotry Records, Peter Saville, 1978

Fac 1, designed by Peter Saville, is the most significant piece of work which influenced me to pursue graphic design as a career. This poster was designed in 1978 for a record label known as Factory Records. The colours used enforces the industrial atmosphere of a factory environment. 
The statement "use hearing protection" is a common sign to be found in an industrial area where loud machinery is used. It is applied in the poster to imply that the sound system at the record label is loud. The typography used can also be found on signage used in an industrial area. 
I discovered this poster when I watched the film "24 Hour Party People" which is about history of the record label Factory Records. I was attracted to the piece because I just loved the way Peter Saville used industrial colours and typography in the design.


  1. I find this poster really cool as well! Its extremely attracting because of the use of the bright yellow and the black, creating a great abstract and contrasting feel to it. I also like the way the artist has used typography in the work, not making it just a safety poster but also very creative! Its amazing to see that this was created back in 1978, as this type of style is still being used today :)

  2. I love the fact that the whole graphic & picture have been slightly shifted to the right looking off-centre but not enough to disturb. The graphic of the man holding his ears is so simple, so effective and being used reguarly now..long live the 70's!

  3. This is great, really bold and retro. Especially love the colours.
